Moon 6’x9’ 2004
This sculpture represents the force of the moon in our lives. Written in the center, in Arabic “God is Great”
Mohammed and Ali Gate 12’x8’ 2003
This sculpture represents the relationship between the Prophet Mohammed and his son in law Ali. The writing on the columns says Ali in Arabic and Mohammed is written in Arabic on the top.
Sunrise 9’x5’ 2002
The curve on the bottom represents the sunrise. Incorporated in this piece is the Christian Cross, The Star of David, and a Menorah with candles that spell Allah in Arabic from right to left and a mirror image on the left to right side of the menorah.
North Star 10’x4’ 2005
This sculpture represents the North Star as the center of the universe. When you look up to the North Star and bring your head down the source of your energy goes to the sun and the person on the earth makes a triangle from these three points.
The Pen 8’x27’ 2005
When you are writing and lift your pen to think, the head of the pen goes up. Up is an open position to allow you to think.
Number 12 18’x8’ 2005
Written on the bottom ⅔ of the sculpture is ‘God is only one” and “Mohammed is his Messenger” in Arabic. Both statements have twelve letters. Inside the 12 point star is the Arabic letter “wav” which has a value of 6 in the Arabic Abjad System. It is the letter for connecting and unity. On the bottom of the sculpture is the number 110 which means “Ali” in the Arabic Abjad System.
The Third Eye Gate 11’x6’ 2007
The third eye represents this dimension and other dimensions of life. TV (Bottom) 6’x3’ 2004 On the top is written in Arabic”Allah Akabar” (God is Great” ) In the center a rectangle the future shape of TV’s Write Look Up (left) 7’x3’ 2004
Angel Seat 11’x7’ 2007
The light that can pass through the cutouts in the wings allows anyone who sits in the seat to become an angel.
Light Bulb 10’x7’ 2000
Inside the light bulb is a Menorah, a Cross, and the word Allah written from right to left and the mirror image is from left to right. This sculpture traveled to Time Square, NY and was exhibited for 1 day.
Moon, Cross, Star of David 9’x6’ 2004
This sculpture represents the unity of the three faiths;in the Star of David, the Islamic Crescent Moon and the Christian Cross.
Double Ali and Third Eye 4’x2’ 2006
The bottom ⅓ of the sculpture spells Ali in Arabic on the right and Ali is spelled in mirror image on the left. In the center is the Third Eye. The top is 7 flames representing light.
Key of Heaven 7’x2’ 2011
Bottom left side the word LOVE. Bottom right side the word ESHGH (love in Arabic and Farsi. On top of the key is a crown with 3 points and in the center the Third Eye with the symbol for the sound “AU”
Tears 8’x5’ 1999
In this sculpture, two tears intersect in the center within a square which represents the land.
40 Lights for the Letter “MIM” 12’x6’ 2017
This Chandelier was made for the Lighter Temple. There are 40 light bulbs to give a lot of illumination to the temple. At the bottom of the chandelier is a symbol from Ancient Sumerian culture representing darkness and light.
40 Lights for the Letter “MIM” 12’x6’ 2017
This Chandelier was made for the Lighter Temple. There are 40 light bulbs to give a lot of illumination to the temple. At the bottom of the chandelier is a symbol from Ancient Sumerian culture representing darkness and light.
Fire Element Chandelier 11’x7’ 2017
This chandelier is made for the Lighter Temple. The number 12 is a holy number. There are 12 lights. The circle in the center is a Sumerian symbol for The God. The Sumerian Cross symbol represents light and darkness.This piece attaches to the Key of Heaven on previous slide.
Radiation of the Third Eye, “HOO” 10’x4’ 2015
This is a chandelier for the Lighter Temple. The word “HOO” in Arabic is a name for God. This name is incorporated into the chandelier 6 times.
Third Eye Chair 2018
This is a chair for the person who gives a talk in the Lighter Temple. There is 1 eye on 3 sides of the chair.